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New: Trend following hedge fund rankings

chart (3)The trend following hedge funds have done really well in the past few decades. But how did they do last month? And which one did better than the others lately? After I post about the industry, I usually get quite a lot of questions on the funds after. The requests are usually about table format data or better charts. So I decided to do something about that…

I keep track of the most interesting funds in the business, collect their data and compare them in my own spreadsheet. What I’ve done here is simply to add this information to this website. The data will be updated monthly as most funds report their numbers at that frequency. I’ll likely add some more functionality and comparison charts, but it’s already up and running.

Go and take a look at the new CTA funds ranking page and see what you think. Please contact me if you have any suggestions on how this could be even better.

Please keep in mind that this is for educational purposes only and no recommendations are being made for or against any of these funds. Nothing is being sold here and I have no economic relationship with any of them.

If there’s enough interest out there, I’ll keep adding more funds and more features. Let me know what you think.

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